Frank Meyer

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since Dec 30, 2018
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Grew up in Florida, spent 8 years in the Navy, and currently in school for Horticulture. I love organic gardening and natural farming. Interested in plant breeding and cold hardy tropicals.
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Chesapeake, Virginia
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Sadly I have only eaten wild pawpaws, but if my trees are able to hold fruit this year I can try my first improved variety. I lived in Rutherford County NC, its between asheville and charlotte along the SC border. It was actually a pretty cool garden area, located in an Isotherm, so it had a milder climate than the surrounding areas. Great for zone pushing experiments, we had pineapples and lemons growing outside.

There isnt really much of a significane with Mjollnir and the navy and gardening. I have just met a lot of people that happened to have similar interests while I was in the navy. Probably from the type of people that the military attracts. In the civilian world there are different types of people, especially in this place im living. There is a huge culture difference between small town deep south, and mid atlantic city. Ive got an urban homestead look goin on trapping squirrels and raccoons and they are building fancy houses and selling the farms around lol  Ive still got some woods that connect to the dismal swamp by my house atleast but the urban sprawl is creeping in.
5 years ago
Im not sure about those varieties, but I grow a lot of super hot peppers, and they are often slow to germinate. I like to get a lot of my seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange in Virginia, but heir varieties are aimed at southeastern heirlooms. There is a Pepper Lovers community on google plus and facebook, a lot of the people are into breeding and sharing seeds, mostly aimed at the super hots again, but im sure some of the members would have some sweet and mild types aswell. If you search Khang Starr on youtube, he has a lot of pepper reviews and talks about the group.
5 years ago
Nice. I know a couple mjolnir wearing gardeners from the navy, but not much outside. I was wanting to have a garden for Woden's 9 herbs charm. Definately plant pawpaws, im a big fan. The picture is of some wild ones I picked behind my house, a couple of my grafted trees have several flowers on them this year though. Im by the Dismal Swamp, tons of wild pawpaws and other wild fruits growing out here if you can brave the bugs and know what you're looking for.
5 years ago
Grew up in a small town in Florida and went to highschool in south western North Carolina. I spent 8 years in the Navy as an Electronics Technician and ended up in Virginia. Currently in school for Horticulture, but city life really isnt for me, and Im running out of garden space on my small half acre. I would like to buy some land in the south eastern US to start a homestead/farm/nursery. I am into natural, sustainable and organic farming methods, aquaponics, and plant breeding. Id like to have an experimental farm growing uncommon crops (natives and exotic), aswell as zone pushing and growing cold hardy tropical plants.

My family roots run deep here on the east coast, being some of the original settlers, and I am very proud of my culture and heritage. As a southerner that has traveled, I understand a lot of people are judgemental and not OK with that, so im just putting it out there.

When I am not worshipping my plants, I like to go hiking, kayaking, fishing, hunting, and just general exploration of the natural areas around me. Music taste is from bluegrass and old country to classic rock and heavy metal, big fan of oldies. I like to learn about herbal medicines and ethnobotany. Im usually pretty laid back, but large crowds, traffic, and just too many people can cause me some anxiety. Politically I lean Libertarian, but I don't like to follow politics, and I usually don't care for people that do.

Just thought I'd see what kind of folks are on here, it's hard for me to meet like minded people here.

5 years ago