Roberto Beato

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since Dec 30, 2018
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Recent posts by Roberto Beato

Thank you for all the suggestions! You are all awesome people.
6 years ago
Thank you Mr Rhodes. I didn't want to mention this but I was a drug addict for many years and I am almost 2 years sober. I know this puts a twist in things but I should've mentioned it earlier.
6 years ago
You should write a book!
6 years ago
Wow thank you Su Ba! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I will keep all this information in mind.
6 years ago
Hi all! I'm new here. I just wanted to about herbs that are good for healthy brain function. My memory is very poor and I seem to have attention issues as well. I want to try using natural herbs to see if my mind can start functioning a little better. If anybody has any experience or knowledge of any herbs that promote healthy brain function please let me know.
6 years ago