Eric Isko

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since Feb 26, 2019
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Homeowner with a bit of land in the Seattle area. Looking to grow food and get off the grid as much as possible.
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Seattle, WA, Untied States
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Recent posts by Eric Isko

I like the extended mix of “House Work” by Jax Jones feat MNEK. I need to have a little bounce n wiggle in my cleaning jams.
2 years ago
Hi all! I don’t know if this “counts” since it relies on electricity but I recently purchased an ozonator that goes in the cold water line before the washing machine. It adds ozone to the water which shifts the ph and makes it so you can wash all laundry in cold water without detergent. I am quite happy this far with how it works. My dream is to capture rainwater for laundry and then to pump it out into the garden after washing with it. The product I purchased is called o3 waterworks, if you are curious. I am definitely going to try some of the suggestions in this thread for any extra stinky stuff!
2 years ago