Patricia Lemme

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since Mar 05, 2019
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sandy soil, no rocks at all
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Recent posts by Patricia Lemme

I'm now following the Ruth Stout method of gardening which is no till. I've read her books, watched videos and I believe this is the way to go. Last summer was my first with her method and it was the best garden that I ever had so I'm hoping that its uphill from here on in
3 years ago
I've grown very interested in building a greenhouse. I'd like to extend my season for veggies and be able to also start my own plants in the Spring. I've been doing some research about greenhouses and would really enjoy your book to expand my knowledge. I live in zone 7 so our Winters are snowy and cold but its rare to go below zero. A very cold day here is about 5 or 10 degrees and some Winters we never drop down to that.
4 years ago
This is my first year with the Ruth Stout method...a no dig type of garden. Because my soil is pure sand late last fall I did lay horse manure over the garden area first and put my hay over that. All Winter I also added all my scraps from the kitchen directly into the garden. So far the garden is a huge success and I'm learning as I go. With Ruth's method the only veggie directly in the hay is potato's, everything else you pull back the hay and just plant in the soil. No tilling, no digging. This is my most weed free garden in over 40 years of gardening.
4 years ago
Hi all...I'm following the Ruth Stout method of planting which is using hay for mulch. You don't plant in the pull it back and plant your seeds in the ground. As they grow you push the hay and surround the plants in hay, never covering them. The only thing she planted ON the hay was potatoes which I'm trying. Those plants are huge!
Thank you....I'm trying some wood ash around the base of plants. I read the articile you sent...I may try the yellow bucket with water too.
4 years ago
Hi all,

I'm following the Ruth Stout method of gardening for the first time this year. In past years I've had issues with Vine Borer's. Ruth mentions putting wood ash around the vine plants to help prevent the borer from laying their eggs. Has anyone tried this? If so how often do you apply the ash? Seems when watering it would just disappear. Do you just lightly dust the plants? I guess I'm looking for more details then Ruth gives in her books.
4 years ago
I have a couple of apple trees that every year get attacked by plum curculio. I haven't done much about it but this year I want to start actually being able to pick some apples. I've done some research on this pest and there doesn't seem to be any organic way to rid the tree and apples of them. Does anyone have any ideas? I did read about shaking the tree branches but I'm looking for something beyond that.
4 years ago
Welcome Phil! Your socks look warm and cozy and I'm hoping to win a pair!
4 years ago
Welcome Vera Greutink! I'm very interested in growing my own food!
5 years ago