Daniel sipirili

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since Mar 21, 2019
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Recent posts by Daniel sipirili

Hey Rick!

Thanks for posting your reply! and my apologies for the delay in mine. We are actually still interested! even more now than before. Unfortunately, we have not been able to get too much done in getting the actual projects moved along. We live in Houston, TX and we go out there every 2 weeks or so just to clean up and do a few maintenance tasks. We haven't found the right folks to engage with just yet, but are hopeful to do so soon. We are looking for someone that wants to help kickstart things, we have another project in South America as well which is our main focus right now since we do have the folks out there getting things done.. We have learned a lot along the way with that project, and look forward to building something in Llano TX. If you are still interested, we can discuss more - let me know and I can shoot over my contact info!

Thanks again!
4 years ago
Hey Nic,

Thanks for your interest! Do you have any experience with either of the following?:

1. Rain water harvesting
2. Basic construction
3. Livestock
4. Aquaponics
5. Composting toilets

I am really looking for someone who either already has the knowledge or is a very quick self learner. Also, longterm is key - we are trying to find someone who's dream is to homestead and are serious of beginning their venture. This opportunity can be profitable for those who know how to make a microfarming/homesteading business.

5 years ago
Hey Guys,

My wife and I have been lucky enough to get this property a couple of years back. We are currently working on getting it setup for nightly rental opportunity to offset the expenses, but are really looking forward to being part of the permaculture/homesteading movement. If there are any seasoned folks out there interested in a long term rent for work scenario we would love to hear from you!

The land has great potential, it is right on a seasonal creek ( usually has running water from October - April ) with lots of fish! Only 5 minutes away from the city of Llano it has a great natural feel.


5 years ago