Note I edited this for clarity, about how many we have and that they free range all day.
A few years ago we bought this metal siding coop build on a 16' tandem utility trailer. It is now our main coop. The seller said he used to have 300 broilers in there. I don't want to even think about that. We have about 80 birds now, many young, and sleeping in 2 coops. About 40 mature layers roost on the X frame roosts you see, to give the birds different heights and little or no poop drop from the tops onto the lowers. We only occasionally see poopy feathers. All our birds free range all day once old enough.
But we want to expand our operation for coming hard times. I'm building a 3rd coop, but still my wife wants more birds in this one. See trailer and X-frame setup in pics below. The wire floor is covered now btw, because it was giving the ladies bumblefoot.
I'm thinking of removing the X frames entirely, and going to 2 levels of 8' roosts on each side with an easy walk-thru aisle down the middle. This would give us 8 roost bars total, and I could offset them somewhat to minimize poop on feathers. But I reckon there will be a certain amount of "look out below" in the mornings. They have feed and water in there, natch. 8 roost bars x 8' would give the coop 64' of claw space, as it were.
What do y'all think?