Merrie Sequoia

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since Apr 18, 2019
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paul wheaton wrote:This thread is for discussing this flea control

   This is by far the best AND most comprehensive article  on using DE (diatomaceous earth) for flea control!!!  The ONLY idea I didn't see mentioned in your article was in regards to fleas traps & light source.  Don't recall where I read this, but the suggestion was to place a LED Tea Candle in the center of the plate/tray of soapy water (or DE) in place of a lamp.  Recently tried it & it was very effective.  Found them at my local (California) Dollar Store for $1 (pkg of 2).  This eliminated HAVING to place trays near an electrical outlet, allowing more flexibility & additional trays if desired.  Wish I'd found your article would have saved me a lot of research time & frustration!!   Merrie
5 years ago