Philip Honzay

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since May 16, 2019
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Dramm brass shutoff valve! They're generally around $20 but they don't leak all over the place, they're durable, and have a longer lever for opening and closing. It's one of those tools that I enjoy using every time because it have one job and it does it well!
4 years ago

Carmen Rose wrote:My favorite material is good, old fashioned muslin. The thinner, the better. I stretch it over an old wood window frame and staple gun it in place, then prop the window (which I'd removed) over it in a sunny spot. It doesn't last forever but I don't wonder what might be leaching into my food out of a fiberglass or plastic-based window screen. It's cheap and easy to replace. Works really well and the window always fits the frame. Plus, it's biodegradeable and doesn't hurt the environment at all!

Do you have issues with the food sticking? It seems like a lot of contact with the food to come off cleanly. I love the idea though, it's cheap and one could make custom sized frames to fit a cobbled together dehydrator setup!
4 years ago
How's the durability? Fiskars isn't a brand I really think of as top quality.
4 years ago