Seanski Caldwell

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since Jun 27, 2019
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Hello, I am a tiny house owner and experienced goat farmer (cheese maker) and organic gardener. I am retired. I am seeking a place to park my tiny house and live/farm sustainably. My house is self-contained: off-grid solar, compost toilet ( I feed the solids to worms.) I only need a water hook up. My plumbing is greywater out flow. I am quiet and enjoy working with goats. I have years of experience dealing with various farm maintenance projects: water/drip and PVC irrigation, fencing of all kinds, rough carpentry. I have lots of new skills that I have gained from WWOOF'ing both in Ireland and Oregon. I am an aficionado of regenerative (no-till) farming practices. I would like to buy into a property of about 1/2 acre and grow my own vege's. I do not use cannabis and not interested in helping on pot farms. I am open to opportunities in Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and Humboldt counties of California. Please contact me with ideas or opportunities or just to chat about my goat and tiny house experiences.
5 years ago