Dinah Halterman

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since Jul 04, 2019
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Recent posts by Dinah Halterman

John C Daley wrote:The one thing I have learned is never to be too tight for time, when dealing with the issues covered in this whole forum.
I actually race motorcycles, but will not allow myself to be hurried at any other time.
Permaculture, homesteading self building needs thought put in to it.
It does not need jobs done twice because they were rushed.
I make the time to think, doodle and plan most things I do.
It means the outcome is usually better, sometimes even cheaper, because I have realised I can use stuff I have laying around or I make the time
to wander around a couple of junk yards I know, or even dumpsters and tips.

Perhaps consider the fine art of doing nothing for a while.
It makes jobs go faster believe it or not.

I am taking my time...have done allot of thermal mass and load math along the way...and $$ outcome, which is pretty inexpensive at this point..adding my base floor pics had found the perfect spot 8 inches of red sand clay and underneath that was a rock table of sandstone :) dug down to the sandstone added water and stomped my way to a level floor added extra water so the floor would level itself and bingo it did...
5 years ago
No, Graham not inconvenient...putting two more brick layers on and then a top slab...will be just right so I can sit down and work and so it will be the right height for my grandson to learn to bake in the oven...he's in training...
5 years ago
My grandson and I are in the process of building a 25 inch oven on a 48 inch base...Using some local post hole clay with pottery clay scraps and natural clay kitty litter soaked 3 parts sand to 1 part clay and just enough straw to make a good form...so far so good...if you know of a pottery clay facility near you they may sell scraps which can be easily soaked mixed together...for my dome the inside oven layer am going to use Hawthorne 35M powdered clay can be found on Amazon...not too pricey...for my 1st I went with the 25 inch...starting small and then gonna work our way up to a larger oven....my thermal mass so far has been bottles and perlite, sand...good luck on your building
5 years ago
Seeds...Cherokee Trail of Tears, my go to bean
5 years ago

Dinah Halterman wrote:Food is Medicine Sourdough Spelt Kale, mushroom and turmeric pizza

I think the dough recipe needs to be shared...just finished making more...makes 3 crusts

500 grams spelt flour or sub whole wheat, 00 italian flour, plain unbleached flour   the 00 will give you an authentic Neapolitan pizza crust
300 grams water
90 grams of sourdough starter
2.5 tsp yeast
2.5 tsp of sea salt
1 tbs extra virgin olive oil

if you are using a whole grain flour the night before overnight soak...sourdough starter and part of the water to make a thick shaggy dough, write down how much water of the 300 grams you used to do this the remainder of the 300 grams goes in the next morning...plain unbleached white or 00 italian flour can be done the same day

next morning add remaining water, yeast, salt and olive oil mix together and let stand 15 minutes covered

remove from bowl and knead 5 minutes.....add flour as necessary it wont be too much...the dough is ready to be shaped into 3 equal balls and frozen, used the same day or you may let it set in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or bowl coated with a little olive oil to ferment 1-3 days...the fermentation will give you a chewier crust....

always remember its ok to add a little more water or flour doughs depend on the humidity or lack of humidity of the day....
5 years ago
Food is Medicine Sourdough Spelt Kale, mushroom and turmeric pizza
5 years ago