I am looking into an alternative for wood chips for a swale design that could last hundreds of years with no upkeep. The problem (correct me if I'm missing something) with a traditional swale on an intense hill is that it will eventually fill in if left alone.
The purpose of this is to turn eroded wild landscapes into permanent water catching devices that could reinforce the area with water & food forever.
I have been looking into the packing peanuts around perforated pipe they use for EZ french drains (
https://www.ndspro.com/products/drainage/french-drains/ezdrain.html). I thought that maybe lining the trench with landscaping fabric, and adding a foot or so deep of crushed Styrofoam and packing peanuts, and folding it all in the landscaping drain fabric to keep it in there may get the permanent mulch effect I'm looking for. Added benefit: getting tons of this crap out of landfills.
I've scoured the internet for reasons why I shouldn't do this, but haven't produced a reason to believe styrofoam has any negative impacts in the soil with no light or heat.
Does anyone have any opinions or resources on this?
Thank you for reading! Have a blessed day