Dunia Rick

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since Oct 06, 2019
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Recent posts by Dunia Rick

Is there any way to group shipping and bring down the price for Europe , or even set up a publish and distribute here........I'd be good for 12-32 copies...also how about the idea of adding (sponsored) adds to links products stuff you like to bring down the price? A few extra pages at the start and end could bring in a lot.... love the book, read it in New Zealand

   I'm a 47 yr old swiss/aus guy looking to discover NZ and escape the European winter. Interested in all forms of sustainable living, particularily forest permaculture gardening and cob/strawbale building.  I would be interested in helping out any of your members from mid November onwards for a few days to a week in exchange for a porch/couch to sleep on ...

Thanks in advance

5 years ago