Misty Basford

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since Oct 07, 2019
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Recent posts by Misty Basford


Where do I get the compost tea and DE?
5 years ago
We clean up under our trees a couple times a day. We collect several times a day. I try to soak in hot water and freeze immediately. However people who buy them to eat so not want to crack open a nut and find a dead weevil. I need to learn more preventative measures for next year.
5 years ago

Thank you! Excellent information. I appreciate it.
5 years ago

I seem to be the only one in my area. I keep googling. I also emailed a nursery asking for information. Still waiting for a response. It is very frustrating. I want to giving people great nuts but I need more experience I guess.
5 years ago

I was soaking them in scolding hot water for 30 minutes and freezing them, but people were still complaining of the weevils. I thought only the nuts that had holes in it had the weevils. People are supposedly finding the weevils in the nuts without holes. I feel bad. We collect them all day long. Some that fall overnight get collected.
5 years ago
How do I know a chestnut has a weevil in it? I was sorting and throwing away nuts with holes and cracks but it seems people are still finding weevils in them.
How do I prevent weevils? I want to sell my chestnuts but not if I'm selling weevil infested chestnuts.

Also, germinating the nut. I know it needs refrigerated for 3 months with a damp towel, air ventilation, at 34-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Can I wash them first? Do they need to be perfect nuts meaning no cracks, holes, etc.?
5 years ago