Louis Laframboise II

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since Jan 26, 2020
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Thank you for your help.

Can you close the Louis Laframboise II account as this has my real, actual e-mail address which I will then hopefully be able to pair with my original account (without the II in the name and my past work)
Maybe also copy the reply to the Laframboise account as I may not be able to retreive the info.

So is there any recourse to getting my old Louis Laframboise account back and linked to my new e-mail louisglaframboise@gmail.com?
r ranson:

How would we go about verifying my self? My Louis Laframboise permies account used to be used to be linked to esiobmarfal@gmail.com which I was locked out of by Google and so had to change it.

Frustrating this legitimizing of self over the internet.

How did this happen, how to rectify.

I originally started a permies account some years ago linked to louisglaframboise@gmail.com with my first name being Louis and my last name being Laframboise. Recently I have found my last name listed as Laframboise II and I had somehow been switched to this new account even thoug both names are linked to the same above e-mail and I have no way of getting back to my original profile/access. Any suggestions or illumination would help.
