R.C. Christian

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since Oct 09, 2019
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Recent posts by R.C. Christian

I have a 6" raised bed in my backyard, about 8x6, that needs squash in it! It's connected to another identical bed with an arbor with grapes growing on it. In that other identical bed is asparagus. Asparagus and squash will be happy together!
I've been using Burnout (by Bonide) with success. It's only 24% Citric Acid and 8% Clove Oil, besides inert ingredients. It makes the air smell nice while you're going around spraying, tehe.
5 years ago
Hi all, long time lurker who decided to join the conversation here...

I installed two fruit trees this spring and I want to be sure that they make it through their first winter without any tragedies. One is a Asian-American hybrid persimmon 'Nakita's Gift', and the other is a Georgia Peach. They are both about 5-6'. The persimmon decided it would fruit this year so I'm a little more anxious about it putting all it's energy into that instead of root growth. I live in south-central Virginia, and I'm wondering if I should apply some sort of fungicide, which I've read is recommended for my situation.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
5 years ago