Gabe Pope

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since Jan 10, 2020
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Brown County, Indiana 6a
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Recent posts by Gabe Pope

Hi, I am in the planning stages of building a rammed earth house and have been working to source lime for stabilization and plaster and ran across Mississippi Lime and was wondering if anyone had gotten quicklime from them before? I know of the dangers of quicklime, but with hydraulic lime both expensive and scarce in North America slaking my own is the next best thing. If anyone has other suppliers they have dealt with you could point me to that would also be great.
4 years ago
Just because you don't have to follow a rule, doesn't mean building whatever you want and hoping an unexpected storm won't take it out isn't a *really bad idea*.
That is why I mentioned the code for adobe, which I am using as my baseline not my end point. If they won't take it under adobe, then I'll try classifying it as concrete. But if they still won't take it then it is very helpful to have a way to sidestep that particular roadblock. I had originally wanted to do earthbag but thought it would be to hard of a sell to the code people and I want to set a precedent for more innovative/ancient construction methods in this county. Hope that clarifies.
4 years ago
I am about 40 minutes south of Indy in a similar situation but with rammed earth, still in the planning stage but there is an interesting clause in the law that established the counties ability to make codes. If you look up log cabin rule you will find that if the home is owner built then the only code that applies is septic. Here is the link to the code on the govs website look under 36-7-8-(d). Also if you look at the Indiana building code you'll find adobe listed under masonry. You might try to convince them that what you want to do falls under that. That is what I'm going to try.
4 years ago