Earth Friendly Cob Yoga Studio Community Building Project at Six Eagles Haven
Dates: August 9-September 6, 2020 (28-day Intermediate Cobber Certification build project)
Number of People participating: 10-15 Students, 2 Instructors
Meals: Aug 9-Sept 6, 3 meals a day for each person, plus snacks
Learn To Build a Cob House! 28-day Intermediate Cob Building Workshop.
Cozy Colorado Cob Cottage at Six Eagles Haven Retreat Center in the Rocky Mountains
Sun. August 9 – Sun. September 6, 2020 in Mesa, Colorado
Time for an educational summer vacation? Join CruzinCobGlobal Instructor Viva Hansen and a future family of new, passionate cobber friends in learning all aspects of building a Cob House including a stone foundation, walls, earthen floor, & plaster in the gorgeous Colorado Rocky Mountains this summer!
Students will receive their Intermediate Cobber Certification. This will qualify you to assist in other workshops and start building right away! Those who complete the 28-day Workshop will receive an Intermediate Cob Building Certificate of
Completion for either Foundation or Roof, Cob Walls (which includes Door, Windows, Shelves, Art, Electrical & Plumbing), Floor & Plaster.
More Info & Register at or Events page
August 9-Sept. 6, 2020 (4 weeks, weekends off)
Week 1: Stone Foundation & Floor
Week 2 & 3: Walls & Sculpting
Week 4: Plaster & Floor #2
Tuition, Camping & all Meals (weekends too) $1900 by Feb 1 / $2000 by May 1 / $2100 by Aug 1
(indoor accommodations available for an additional fee)