G Prentice

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since Jan 20, 2020
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Recent posts by G Prentice

Thanks, all. I'll have a read of the links and sort something out :)
2 years ago

Joshua LeDuc wrote:Rhubarb, horseradish, golden fennel, artichoke and perennial kale are a few perennials I planted in my food forest.  Hope that helps!

What is the Latin name of golden fennel? Google searches only refer to bronze fennel and I’m not sure if it’s the same…
2 years ago

I’ve just planted a new hedge of English Yew with bare root plants. They have been planted quite close to a large tree and the soil is quite rooty and tends to be on the dry side. I will mulch soon, but do you have any recommendations for eco-friendly fertiliser that will help the hedge get established? It needs to be something that I can buy in the UK.

I feel like this hedge will need some TLC until it has established itself.

2 years ago
Thanks, all! None of the fruit-bearing options really appeal to me, so I think I'll go with honeysuckle on each side, with possibly just ivy in the middle for a bit of screening/privacy. I think these options are quite good for wildlife. Not sure how well they will grown on ropes, but I guess I'll find out
2 years ago
Just bumping this up in case any of you have recommendations/advice for my climber choice!
2 years ago
It's a very nice wall - well done!
2 years ago
Hi all,

I have a 4 metre gap in my fence and I’m planning to tie about 5 ropes across it from top to bottom and grow a climber on it. In the  long-run, when my hedge has grown taller, I’ll probably get rid of the fence and the climber but that will be some years away.

Ideally, I’d like a climber that (in order of importance):

- is evergreen (for privacy)

- has quite large leaves (the gaps between the five ropes will be fairly wide, so without large leaves it won’t offer much privacy)

- grows quite quickly

- has edible fruit

- has some wildlife value (I’m based in the UK, if that’s useful info for the ecology!)

- looks nice

I think it’s unlikely that I’ll get all of the above, so I know I’ll have to compromise, but any thoughts you have will hopefully help me to make a decision.

2 years ago
Thanks for all the info’. My wall is a summer task, so I’ll be working on it in the next few months - -and may come back with some more questions! I’ve been in an essay writing hole recently, hence my very slow response!
2 years ago

I may look into both methods, so Amy, when you say 'clay' for the mix, what product am I buying - is it some sort of powder? I know what clay is, but presumably you're not talking about standard clay in this context!

And, Luke - are there any pros/cons of using lime putty over lime mortar, and am I likely to find either of them in a hardware shop or would I need to buy it online?
2 years ago
Can you also clarify the contents of the mortar and ratios of each material, please? Thanks
2 years ago