Whit Little

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since Feb 02, 2020
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Awesome, thanks for the help! I’ll have them in our donkey pasture and use those techniques to safeguard them.
This is such a nice community
5 years ago
Hi there,

I’m pretty new to permaculture and this site, and I was hoping for some advice. A farmer friend is kindly supplying me with about 5-10 ducklings in the coming spring, and I want to prepare the best home I can for them. I have a choice of two areas: 1) a field with our donkeys that has a flowing stream (we live in zone 8 and the water never freezes), and a ‘swamp’ formed by a spring head on the other side of the field that would need to be cleaned up, but has been home to wild ducks and geese before. There is an open but covered shed-like structure that I could close in for their shelter. 2) a now vacant field with another flowing stream, that I could potentially dam up to have a little pond. There’s an established snake-proof stable that I had for my chickens, with nesting boxes, feeding/water stations, and bedding. Unfortunately, when my mother let out the hens in an attempt to “free range” them, they were devoured by coyotes.

Ideally, I would like my ducks to be able to forage and use the space we have, but I’m very scared that they will be vulnerable to predators. How can I best protect my flock while still taking advantage of our water sources? Which option do you think could be best? How can I best create a self-sustaining system for my duck habitat? Additionally, is there any duck fodder that can grow in running water?

Thank you very much in advance, any advice welcome!
5 years ago