Samantha Sage

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since Feb 02, 2020
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Recent posts by Samantha Sage

Down comforter with a cotton cover over it- have three kids and I have had to wash my cover 3X this week due to fevers and night sweats. Easy to change the cover and honestly not too bad to just wash in general.
2 years ago
I saved this on my phone. Thank you so much!
3 years ago
We are searching for a new home and my realtor just informed me of a pocket listing of an earth bermed home on 40 acres.....obviously that acreage is AWESOME but I am worried about expensive repairs and also mold in an earth bermed home. Could anyone give me any insight to their experience with mold and living in an underground home? (I am mold sensitive) Thanks in advance! Also if there is anything to look/inquire about in regards to construction if we look at it that would be awesome. Thank you.
3 years ago
I am not new to baking bread but I am starting to get into sourdough! I would love for folks to post some easy (and preferably long ferment) sourdough recipes so I can try them! I love rye and Einkorn flours! Thank you and much love to everyone!
3 years ago
Thank you, you guys rock. I’m really looking forward to these mushrooms, tomorrow is slated for inoculating the logs!
3 years ago
Ugh I ordered these and I have been so busy between getting a huge garden planted, three small kids, getting Covid among everything else.. I’m so bummed! Are these still viable?
3 years ago
Ok great! Thank you! We are going to put a privacy barrier on the half that doesn't directly back up to our yard or forest, I would think they would need a running jump to jump eight feet? Prayer flags sound very pretty!
It’s a deer heavy area. Lots of wild forested land about, no dog but there are some dogs that run free in the area that belong to different neighbors. Problem is that we have already sunk all the T posts and purchased fencing , so our only option would be to try and extend on what we already have going.
Hello Permies! We are working on our garden fence for our 2,000 sq feet garden- we have a six foot fence planned/ is this enough?
A local farm is selling three year old blueberries for 12$/ plant and I’m excited, I want to have a little blueberry patch in our garden. My question is if I can transplant them now- we are in zone 7a. Thanks.
4 years ago