Steven Arthur

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since Feb 13, 2020
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Recent posts by Steven Arthur

Maybe I’ll try the cold frame. It eliminates the need for electricity. I’ll post pictures if I can get some recycled windows or glass doors.
I normally buy seedlings and plant my garden. This year I would like to grow my own seedlings. I live in zone 8b in central California. Would It be more effective making a cold frame with a soil heating wire or buying a light for garage setup? I have a small garden, but would like to get into secession planting.
I bought an eco air knock off. I think I’ll make a air lift like the video. I’ll post images or video. My pump comes in tomorrow.
4 years ago
I was thinking about this or a bubble snake.
4 years ago
I saw the vortex brewers, but it seemed a bit much for 5 gallons. I thought about an airlift system or a bottom bubbler like a bubble snake.

Second poster...I wish it rained in central California, lol!
4 years ago
Not sure if this is the right location. However, I’m going to make a 5gal tea brewer. Does anyone have opinions on design? I ordered a 45l/m pump and I was thinking of making a scaled down oregon state brewer or gluing or heat shaping a bubbler for the bottom. Anyone have any thoughts? I know it’s small, 5 gallons, and any design might work.
4 years ago
One thing I noticed after having my bed up and running is I should have waited for the soil to settle. My topsoil has sunk maybe 2-3”.
4 years ago
How do I make a fungi slurry?
4 years ago
My first thought was that the leaves might block water flow to the logs. I’m leaning towards placing them on top the logs to fill in gaps. I can get more for further layers. I also thought about dumping manure on top of the logs and leaves to help break things down.
4 years ago
I started last night after receiving 10 year old rotted orange wood stumps. It’s layered to about 12-16”. I have the following items to add. Any suggestions on which order?
-lemon tree clippings(fresh)
-manure(rabbit and chicken w/bedding)
-wood chips(2-3 weeks old)
-half finish compost( feels a bit compacted)
-straw or hay from feed shop
-garden soil for topping.
4 years ago