Hello. First, my English sucks, sorry about that. So, second regenerative year and my winter wheats have no tillers. Soil organic matter 2,2%, soluble phosphorus 98-108mg/kg, soluble potassium 180-280mg/kg, pH 6,7-7,2.Rotation - winter rapeseed, winter barley, two months of cover crop (mustard, terminated with disc cultivator at flowering), and now winter wheat. 60kg of MAP, row placed, at sowing. At three leaves stage foliar - copper 60g/ha, manganese 160g/ha, zinc 40g/ha. Now, after vernalization, about 70% of plants have no tillers, a couple of very small new roots and growing new leaf (sixth leaf is at about 40%). They are purple, so I suspect deficiency of phosphorus. Other 30% plants have 2-3 tillers, big beautiful new roots, but are purple too. Soil temperature at ~5cm depth is +2 degree Celsius. Any thoughts? Phosphorus deficiency because of small amount of fertiliser? Bad distribution (too few fertilizer pellets per meter)? Or deficiency of nitrogen?