Dinie Johnson

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since Mar 28, 2020
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How can you go through both floors and attic? Does the pipe help heat the next floor up? We have a 2 story as well and wanted to put it in the basement. But we were thinking about an L bend.
4 years ago
What is the best way to install a new wood stove? My husband is nervous about cutting the hole. Anything we should know first?
4 years ago
you say that you have clay/loam soil. Madder really likes sandy/sandy loam soil. It's a Mediterranean plant. It needs lots of sun too. So, I would suggest that you look at where you planted it. Maybe add some sand to the soil or try to grow it in a pot. I think it would be fine in zone 7 through the winter. I would think that what's happening is that it's getting too wet.
Good luck!
4 years ago