Chad Kovac

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since Apr 03, 2020
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Recent posts by Chad Kovac

Project complete.

Here's my "valley" where I'll be bringing in the river rocks. I know most of this will wash away in this specific spot. It's about 5 feet long where I stand to lose material. This video is fish eyed.

Water catchment you can peek in these photos is for the garden area, only.

3 years ago
A couple inside Cabin Teux

This one has a bed facing the back. The loft is double-length.

We have a double reclining couch on one wall, food and a fridge on the other. We can drop a sheet down from the loft to watch movies with the projector.

The fridge is a compressor driven travel cooler. We have two different models. One of a freezer in the first cabin.

3 years ago
It's crowded.

Here are photos inside the first cabin.
3 years ago

John C Daley wrote:Fantastic!!
Think about a larger water tank for Rainfall collection.
My signature has a link if its of interest to you.

Oh for sure. We are just getting started. We also have a spring fed pond within a pumps distance.
3 years ago
Lol yeah crap sorry ..  swales but, technically those are berms too, right?

They're doing a great job of stopping a massive amount of water!
3 years ago
When we bought this land there was nothing.

We stayed in a tent for several days.

We also camped in the storage shed.

Then we had a cabin shaped shed delivered.

We now have a larger barn shed to live in. The smaller cabin for guests.
3 years ago
Here are a couple photos.

I have more pics.. just can't find em
3 years ago
First gutter.
Cut with a plasma cutter that I was having trouble with. I left the jagged edge.

This water is used to water the goats and chickens automatically.
3 years ago
Here's a video of Cracker, my albino catfish with the drone of my truck in the background audio.

I don't know much about catfish or ponds so I bought both.

Is this guy cool or common? I don't care. We like him.
4 years ago