Kat Cardy

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since Apr 23, 2020
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Recent posts by Kat Cardy

Thank you everyone for your replies! ^_^

Eric Hanson: Thanks for the welcome!  <3 Yes I've been learning about the soil food web too! - Have you seen any of Dr. Elaine Ingham's talks? They really opened my eyes!

Timothy Markus: My wormies seem to love them too, but as my bin is still new we produce more than they can eat so far, so I've been researching the fertilising teks...

So far I've just started using a water banana skin tea type solution as well as drying the skins and adding them as a ground up powder to add for more long-term/slow-release nourishment, but yeah, was really curious to see if anyone else out there was using them at all or whether I'd been duped by some internet equivalent of an old wive's tale! XD

I'm looking forward to pouring through some of the other topics on here... - I've been learning about P/C for almost a year now and this forum often came up in my results but only now I've been brave enough to join! XD

Cheers all!

Hello Permies!

I’m brand-spanking new here, this is my first post! Hope it’s in the right place! :)

I’ve searched the archives to see if anyone’s actually tested the whole banana skin fertiliser teks that are all over the web but didn’t find much reference... there seem to be 101 pages saying how great it works but not much in the way of trials /tests and i’ve also seen some dismissing it completely as rubbish.... so yeah, just wondered if anyone out there had tried banana-peel based fertiliser and how it worked for them?
