Laura Sweany wrote:I got fascinated by a British woman named Kathy McGowan here on who lives in Voditsa, Bulgaria, in a sustainable household/campground called St. James Park. She apparently travels to China to teach English occasionally (and make cash money), and she also acts as a real estate broker for folks who want to buy properties there in Bulgaria. I checked out some of her links, and was SO COMPLETELY ENCHANTED by the houses and countryside that I seriously considered moving there (I'm currently in Seattle). Does anyone on this thread know her or know of her? Anyone know about how Voditsa compares to other parts of Bulgaria? Property seems so cheap...but it's thousands of dollars to travel there, check it out, and then that adds to the cost of the purchase itself. There seems to be a sense of history there that would be missing if I simply went someplace cheap in the US to buy rural property - is that correct, or just me being a hopeless romantic?