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Duke Theedam

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since May 05, 2020
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Well, I'm in Mihaylovo, which is just about 20 miles (30k) south of Stara Zagora. I've been living in Bulgaria now for about 9 years after selling my cleaning business and leaving Tewkesbury, UK.  I had a place in the north as well, in Osikovo, next to Voditsa, but I'm just in the process of selling it and buying another house next door to me, just to knock down for the bricks. I build and renovate things, well houses to be precise. I got my pension earlier this year, so that comes in handy as well. Apart from work, I like to ride my 1100 cruiser, listen to rock music and travel around...or laze on the beach when I can find the time. I hope you make it out here, it's a good life...
4 years ago

Laura Sweany wrote:I got fascinated by a British woman named Kathy McGowan here on who lives in Voditsa, Bulgaria, in a sustainable household/campground called St. James Park. She apparently travels to China to teach English occasionally (and make cash money), and she also acts as a real estate broker for folks who want to buy properties there in Bulgaria. I checked out some of her links, and was SO COMPLETELY ENCHANTED by the houses and countryside that I seriously considered moving there (I'm currently in Seattle). Does anyone on this thread know her or know of her? Anyone know about how Voditsa compares to other parts of Bulgaria? Property seems so cheap...but it's thousands of dollars to travel there, check it out, and then that adds to the cost of the purchase itself. There seems to be a sense of history there that would be missing if I simply went someplace cheap in the US to buy rural property - is that correct, or just me being a hopeless romantic?

Yes, I know Kathy (and her daughter)...I lived for a short time in Voditsa myself.
4 years ago
Yep, us too, we live in a Village near Stara Zagora...we grow our own stuff as much as possible and play host to guests that want a break from it all...
4 years ago
The shipping cost almost doubles the price...but good luck with it all...
Hello Sally, I could, but it's 130 miles from me over the mountains...however there is someone local that's handling it for me and the link to the property on their website is   HouseBulgaria I think that's right, there's a few pictures there..
Bulgaria: north, near Popovo, Village called Osikovo.

I have a place, that although not off grid, it could be if you wanted it to be, in Osikovo that would would be perfect for anyone that wants to do this or live that kind of lifestyle. There is a farm house and a paddock alongside, it's not massive but you could live off of it. It's quiet and isolated, the Village is small. I'd like to sell it as I have a place in the south I now live in and I don't need two places. 5,000 euro's, it's yours. That's a lot of house and land for not a lot of money. Sure, it needs fixing up and the grass needs cutting, but hey, for that...
4 years ago