De Jones

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since May 05, 2020
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Hi if your still looking I have a Craigslist post.
Check it out and if your interested respond and I'll get back to you
2 years ago
The background in the pictures looks a lot like the upper South Umpqua area where my wife of 50 yrs and I live.  Good luck in your search.
2 years ago
We are about another hour north of Stacy up by South Umpqua Falls. Your welcome to stop by here also  . Pm first for arrival time as we are not always here.
2 years ago
Janice, How long of an arrangement are you looking for? We have a small 60 acre property on the upper South Umpqua in Oregon called Andraieff Meadows. It was usda region 6s highest priority to purchase under the land and wildlife conservation fund fy2008. It is an extremely biologically diverse property. It is better managed under private ownership though because it is a "sensitive" area. Consequently we are particular about what takes place there. For the last 1&1/2 years we had another couple with 4 children living on the property under a "farming lease type agreement" growing veggies ,herbs and fruit trees on an acre or two . Unfortunately they were not able to fulfill their part of our agreement. So I am currently talking to two other parties about possible arrangements. The property is off grid. I presently have some solar. And a septic. A green house . Three tiny house or rv type residence's. A large fenced garden. Great potential for hydro power also. A sawmill and some some timber. The goal is to be as self sustaining as possible.There is about a mile of river frontage, an island ,two creeks,a large pond,and a great spring.I have been considering different long term arrangements like a trust or foundation to protect the land longer term but not really set on anything wife and I are 65-70 with a large family that visits on occasion.If this interests you feel free to contact me.  Thanks
2 years ago
   We have started  up off grid  on a a 60 acre micro environment on  river in southern Oregon. The natives say it is a place of healing.My personal experience has taught me that it is. Your comments on healing and teaching captured my attention . I've always felt that this should be a place of healing for others as well. I can't claim any gifts in that area myself ,but I have some  loved ones who are gifted that way.  On your tour thru Oregon You are welcome to stop by and visit with us if you are interested.
4 years ago