Dylan Davidson-Talley

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since May 14, 2020
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Recent posts by Dylan Davidson-Talley

Hi, all. My wife and I are looking for a few good resources for identifying and managing pests and diseases of the most common garden fruit and veg, avoiding at all costs chemical sprays. Perhaps a book, perhaps a good app. Anything ya got. Thanks!
Follow-up question, if anyone's still watching. Ideas for creating a guild for marionberries?
Hi, Burl

Thank you for that. I will look into that. I went to the wordpress whence the pdf originated, and it looks like they haven't done anything in the community since 2015. It did give me an idea, and I looked up the Albuquerque master gardeners. They seem up-to-date and have some resources. The search continues.
Hello, All.

I don't know if I'm violating some rule of etiquette by posting in the wrong place or have missed a thread that covered this already, but here goes.

The Situation

We bought our house in September 2019 in urban Albuquerque, with a back yard about 1790 ft^2. We have been making observations and reading about permaculture, and have a pipe-dream of supplying 90% of our food needs in the front and back yards. We want to keep chickens in the back (within 2 years, after we've cleaned out all the hardware), bees on our back porch roof, fruit trees espaliered throughout, maybe a maple in the back for a sort of canopy, and raised vegetable beds in front and back. I haven't yet done a soil test, but we have a lot of pioneers, and I can tell the soil is a lot of clay and sand.

The Short Term Goal

Our financial and time restrictions rule out raised beds, water catchment, and most things now, but we think we can start with a fruit-bearing vine trellised across our back porch. I want to find something at least regional that will provide significant summer shade and a significant amount of edible fruit, that we can responsibly incorporate into our future permaculture garden. We also want fruit that will be safe for chickens should pieces fall, or should chickens forage their leaves. This porch is west-facing, gets about 5 hours of full sun from 1400 to 1900, and is about 9 feet high by 20 ft wide. Because of this I've already ruled out grapes (which will eventually go on a pergola carport in the front, or in the back to double as shade for chickens.) I've considered kiwi most recently.

I would like to hear full, honest recommendations for a fruiting vine, or even general recommendations for our situation! I've been enjoying the threads here. They've grounded me well in my research.
