David Cobb

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since May 31, 2020
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Recent posts by David Cobb

So living in the Ozarks and I am having a big problem with flies. Its very muddy here and we are doing a lot of clearing and excavating. It used to be a forest and has been cleared. We are thinking the mud is attracting the flies. For example, we hang fly paper in our outdoor kitchen and within an hour we have to change it because its filled. Plus they seem to like my Jeep, which I keep the tailgate open and within minutes there are like 50 flies that will not leave. Any help would be appreciated.
3 years ago
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Greetings everyone,
Just moving to our 5 acre place in southern Missouri. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but have been planning and learning over the last few years about living off-grid. Its not much to look at now, but has a lot of potential. Were going to go with raised beds/no dig method using compost and mulch since our dirt has more rocks than anything. We already have a wide assortment of seeds, but realized just last week we were missing squash, so this opportunity comes at a perfect time.

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