Rick Groce

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since Jun 08, 2020
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Recent posts by Rick Groce

What other types of crafts and such are y’all involved in? I’m not a craftsman or anything like that myself, but I dabble in as many as I can manage, and I’m very interested in learning more. I’d like to get some experience with masonry, I’ve just done a little dry stone work on trail projects.
4 years ago

Thanks for your reply as well! We’ve actually been in a somewhat similar situation lately. We live in Austin and every week or two we drive out to our friend’s couple of acres near San Saba to help clean it up and start some permaculture and other projects out there, so we’re getting to know the area already. We are definitely interested, and would love to talk about the details.

4 years ago
Howdy Daniel,

It’s been a little while, but is this opportunity still around? My wife and I are looking for something like this. If not, how has this project been going? Is there a community y’all are connected with around the Llano area? What’s it like homesteading in the area?
4 years ago