While fresh I would make them into sandwiches and pass them to homeless people that they make a good use of it by eating it.
Also, put them in washed jars and pass them as boiled white eggs to homeless people. I keep the jam, honey or other jars and I pass on any food I would like to share.
I feel it will be good food for anyone since you actually have chicks and ducks and they have lots of nutritional value. Why to be wasted?
I know it is extra work but a little bit of kindness go lots of way.
Not sure if food banks will take them but if you find someone who needs food it ll be the best way to use them.
Thank you.
Ii personally make them some hot drink like tea or coffee and also give them water in a bottle or jar.
I really believe all this spreads love and even if you cannot do it frequently still it is a nice way to help others.
Thank you.