Isaac Gold

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since Jun 22, 2020
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I'm looking for recommendations regarding planting near Juniper, on the north-ish rather shady side of a row of approx. 25-30 Juniper (also known as eastern red cedar) trees. I'd love to go with a perennial/forest gardening/companion planting/guild approach and wonder what may thrive in the partial shade and biome or microclimate alongside the Junipers - currently there is grass. Living in Zone 7(a) in Central Virginia, elevation ~700 ft.

Thanks for any suggestions,
1 year ago
I recently became an affiliate with Xero Shoes. Has anyone had experiences with them? Colorado-based. Nice range of minimalist and athletic shoes.
(my affiliation)

2 years ago
Cool, thanks! I happened to come across this article with suggestions on sourcing barrels, etc. for rainwater.  I really like the idea of sourcing from local breweries. Today I saw three barrels outside of local businesses and picked up an oil barrel (~42 U.S. gallons) from a carwash as attendants encouraged me to pick it up from the dumpster area. They are more common than I realized. Thanks.
3 years ago
Any advice on cheap, free water storage vessels? Repurposing, recycling being ideal. Potential for between 1,000-2,000 gallons rain catchment from one building and up to 1,000 gallons from another building. We have a few 55-gallon drums, barrels, looking to supplement and take next steps.
3 years ago

Mk Neal wrote:Are you looking for more fruit trees/shrubs?

Certainly interested.

Mk Neal wrote:The grape vine actually stretches along the fence almost the whole length of the yard. There is a blue spruce in neighbor's yard which makes dry shade to west of the cherry and witchhazel.  Where the grape vine runs under the spruce, I have no black rot, unlike other parts of the vine. Perhaps your cedar could give similar protection to a grape?

I wonder how grape vine and black raspberry may get along, if at all.

Mk Neal wrote:Wild strawberries also cover the ground in the northern half, of this array. They are unfortunately not at all tasty, but at least a nice ground cover and something for the birds.

Hmm, fragaris virginia or the like? I am in central virginia, currently, and wonder if I could manage some yummy tasting strawberries. As you say, there are many potential benefits.

I am really keen on the Pawpaw idea and wonder how they would guild with shade-loving plants.
4 years ago
The Pawpaws are an excellent idea! Very interesting and intriguing regarding the running grape vine and the protective forces of trees possible, I will consider the Juniper as a companion. Thank you!
4 years ago
Near some established maples, dogwoods, an eastern red cedar, black raspberries (young), and a mulberry tree, cherry tree, where the land is some mostly shade - some partial sun/shade sun, what will grow well? How about if there is an elderberry near?
4 years ago
Possibilities for utilizing a "big" (3-4 cubic feet) pile of cardboard welcome. Includes died and corrugated and plastic materials, thus inedible varieties are welcome.
4 years ago