Nola Lewis

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since Jun 24, 2020
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Recent posts by Nola Lewis

I'm confused about tempeh, does it have to be cooked? Wouldn't that kill the microorganisms?
1 year ago
Working out what works for me as well. Dairy is definitely not my friend. I hope you continue to have success!
1 year ago
I had a pair of stained jeans and needed some shorts. I cut the legs off, hemmed them then used the legs for pockets. Cargo style.
1 year ago
So how hot to kill moth eggs? I'm in GA so putting something in the van when I go to town would make it very hot. Also is food grade DE a good option? If so, how much is safe? I rinse rice, but what about flour? Thanks y'all!
2 years ago
As to using chainsaw chains. What about making block and tackle? They are made to go over a toothed wheel and not slip.
2 years ago
Nit picking question. I would like to know though.  You mentioned daikon. Would it be better to grow several crops of small radishes or maybe let small ones go to seed for the purpose of eating the pods?
3 years ago
Is anyone doing Muscovy? I just started with a straight run of 10, pretty sure there are 4 boys.  I don't want to try to pluck, so I'm thinking instant pot and then smoker, what do y'all think? I ve read that they are mostly not fatty, no like ducks? I've never eaten either.
4 years ago
If you are getting the soil ready to plant, mix it in a bit. If you have plants to feed, top dress. only water if it needs watering anyway.  I would stay away from root crops, but I might be wrong for saying that, if anyone else says different, listen to them on that one
thanks! I was wondering about the pressure.  I am in GA (US) so it is very hot here. I'll probably try the airlock just bc I would be afraid of the jar exploding I do daikon radishes, kimchee, cucumbers and such with brine now. This sounds good and drying it means I won't use up more frig space when it's done.
4 years ago
There was one growing (wild I think) near my childhood home in west-central GA (US).  I don't know what happened to it. I would love to get one planted here on my land. I am in the same area.
4 years ago