Lynda Bird

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since Jul 19, 2020
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Hello. This is my first post on this forum. I hope I am posting on the right subforum.

We are a young couple living in an RV.  I have recently sort of switched out the painful septic situation for a simple 5-gallon bucket "composting" toilet. Right now we live on my relative's property. Unfortunately, I don't think starting a humanure compost on their property would be okay and also, we might not be staying here for much longer (looking for another RV pad to rent).

I feel very awkward typing this but, we are looking for someone who will accept our human waste into either an already existing humanure compost or allow us to start a new one on their land.

I have been looking at options for disposing of our human waste but most of them seem to be non-ecofriendly. I checked my cities composting disposal guidelines and unsurprisingly, they don't even accept cat waste. I have thought about putting it in the trash but, as someone whos trying to make less trash, this feels so counterintuitive. We have tried digging a hole, dumping the waste, and covering it back up but as we found out this would get old pretty quick as we would run out of spots to dump it. Also doing this feels quite nasty (I have read that human waste can harbor a lot of diseases if not composted properly) and disrespectful to my relative's land as I know dumping it in this way will take a long time to decompose.

The ideal situation would be to come back to one spot, turn the compost when needed, and allow it to compost properly. I am open to any other ideas and if all else fails I suppose I will stick to the trash method until something better comes up.

4 years ago