shane davis

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since Jul 23, 2020
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Recent posts by shane davis

Hi friends,
I am still developing an application/website that will connect people to permaculture professionals and even hobbyists to begin shifting the paradigm of lawn care. Our website is in the testing phase of our mvp. Anyone on here is more than welcome to sign up for a temporary account to look around and see what we have so far. If you do go to the site feel free to come back here and make mentions of what you would like to see in the application in regards to either being a professional or a customer or feel free to email me at I’m building this in an attempt to fight world hunger and the ever growing divide in the world. I know that when we work together and have our relationships strengthened through a helpful community we can solve all the worlds problems.
3 years ago
Did not know that was a purpose of the badges. Duly noted.
3 years ago
Coding behind a computer can be extremely helpful especially if what is being coded is permaculture related.
3 years ago
No worries, so long as you try and grow and build healthy community you are doing what you can to make the world better. 👏
3 years ago
That’s cool, these generations are the backbone of the fight ahead. I look forward to all the changes in society that you will all bring.
3 years ago
Hi T Simpson, I'm sorry for the late response this system is not my favorite for user engagement. To answer your questions, first I think I have miscommunicated the business model, Plantr is both the marketplace and directory. It is also a portfolio and network service that designers can use to accumulate and store designs and their experience and be able to promote any service they might provide.

As for how Plantr makes money, we will charge a minor startup fee of $20 to host your portfolio to promote and charge a $5/mo. fee to continue hosting. this is just for our beginning version of the app we will later use a commission system that charges the customer extra while you the designer still retain all the funds that were agreed on.

I would love to talk to you about potential work with us however I and some volunteers are who is making it and I have no budget for further expenses. And yes my marketing is constantly evolving to better fit the market.
3 years ago
Potential job available for the Buckinghamshire area!
If you are in that area please reach out.
There is a customer with a large lawn that wants to turn it into a food forest.
No further information at this point I am just seeing if there even is anyone on here living in that area.
3 years ago
39 days left! There is still so much time left to help the Plantr project by supporting it here Plantr kickstarter.
With all of us working together we can fight climate change and end world hunger!
3 years ago
Still up and still building!
We are just a few weeks away from launching our MVP and can not be more excited to share with you all what Plantr will be able to do.
You can still sign up on with your email to get on our list for the launch as well as any other newsletter items we might give our customers!
We wish you health and good growth.
Plantr: Making good things easier.
3 years ago
50 days left and still going strong!
There haven't been any donations but that doesn't mean there hasn't been anymore support. We look forward to bringing you the platform of the future very soon.
3 years ago