I have always had a small batch of muscovy roaming my garden. We have a 35'x75' space now and I am gearing up to add ducks again. We made raised beds that are 12"-18" high off the ground. We have the garden broken into 2 sections so we can control which part they are in. We also have another run on the other side of the yard for them to go into for winter and when needing a break from the garden. Past couple of years I haven't had ducks and I couldn't understand how all of my plants were getting covered in bugs and all the leaves eaten down. I have never seen so much damage. I quickly realized I haven't had my muscovy and raised beds combo and are finishing up the back of the green house to have a duck den. I have always had ducks in my garden with raised beds and never seen problems like I've had in recent years without them. I like muscovy and they seem to just waddle about and don't need constant swimming water, though they do like it, especially on a full moon. Muscovy will fly if wings are not clipped. I have lost some to the river a ways away, people knock on my door saying my duck is on the phone lines in town a ways from my house. Clipp wings and make sure they have leg bands as Florida has become infested with muscovy migrating and not returning home. The bands help Florida track what was domestic and what is reproduced after flying free.