Randolph Nelson

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since Jul 31, 2020
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Recent posts by Randolph Nelson

Sounds like a lot of work.  Up here in the Great White North, the snow knocks the canes down in the winter, new ones come up in the spring, & we pick from now until nearly September.  Still have to fight through the thorns, but it's still better than multiflora rose....  I just picked almost a quart of nice, plump wild berries this morning in about 10 - 15 minutes in 2 little patches around the house, & there's lots more where they came from.  They're not giant berries like the commercial cultivars, but they eat just as good.  I'll have to put my pickin' clothes on today & go down into the old pasture before the birds get them.  We missed most of the red & black raspberries this year, but the blackberries & blueberries are making up for it....
4 years ago
Thanks for letting us stop in.  Researching alternatives for developing our retirement homestead on the last remnant of the old family farm.  Right now all we're doing is fighting with the multiflora rose - I HATE THAT STUFF!

Looking forward to learning a lot here.

Randy & Lois
4 years ago