Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Missy Hall

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since Aug 02, 2020
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I've read through this thread and haven't found much about freezing meat without plastic bags or plastic-coated butcher paper. I live in a rural desert area and try to limit my trips to town to twice a month, so those are grocery stock up days. I've used butcher paper for years, but it's plastic coated and single use. Ziplock bags would be a step forward since they can be reused.  Does anyone have a better solution that will keep frozen meat safely and without freezer burn?
2 years ago

M Wilcox wrote:Mostly I just rub some butter on top of my wood stove (I keep it clean) and plop my bread right on the surface. Flip it over to toast on the other side.

I bought one of these camp toasters below for my gas range. I like it. I know you said no camp toasters but it works well. Prolly wouldn't do on an electric stove.

That camp toaster looks perfect - Now that I see your photo I'm good with camp toasters, just as long as they can be used indoors over a gas range. Thanks!
4 years ago
Does anybody have a non-electric alternative to a toaster that can be used in the kitchen (i.e. not outdoor campfire cooking gear)? Love toast, hate single-use electric appliances!
4 years ago