Tina Tex

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since Aug 06, 2020
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Thanks, everyone, these are the answers I was hoping for...I will just make sure I am happy with the how the bags are lying.  I think I will try to hard-ass the corners kind-of, by giving my corner bags some good ground bumping before laying them down.  We will see how it goes.  Starting the first courses in the morning!  I will post pics.
4 years ago
Hi, I am building a 180 sq ft EB shed into the side of a hill.  I filled all of my bags first, as I dug out the hill, and then learned about hard-assing in the Kaki Hunter book EB tricks and tips.  I am wondering how important this technique is if you have good fill?  Also, I'd like to hear opinions on diddling the bags (no funny stuff here people, diddling refers to tucking in the pointy ends).  I can still diddle the bags post hoc, but that will get old and would like to avoid it if I can.  And remember, this is a shed, not my house.  Yes, I would like to build as well as I can always, but maybe these techniques are not critical in my case?

Thanks for your thoughts!
4 years ago