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Dawn Olivo

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since Sep 20, 2020
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Recent posts by Dawn Olivo

Rob Lineberger wrote:I also get spider mites every year.  That is dangerous and needs to be addressed.    I use neem oil.  

It did have little spider webs on it.  Is that spider mites?  Do you just spray the neem oil on the leaves?
4 years ago
My lemon tree is 3-4 years old.  We grew him from a seed.  During the summer he goes outside, fall he comes in to an easy facing window.  He tends to dry out quickly and many  times he's been very droopy and sad but has always come back when watered.  
Last night I walked over and touched him and more than half his leaves were dead and fell off.  The ones that are left are still alive and not droopy so I don't think it was lack of water this time.
 Is he beyond saving?  If not what can I do to help him?
4 years ago

John F Dean wrote:Much depends upon the individual kinds of plants.  I have a high tunnel.  I am in the process of building a concrete block addition (4×4) on the N side to house a small wood stove.  I am not interesting in heating it all winter. I just want to be able to deal with heavy frosts.

Yes, that is what I would be dealing with also, heavy frosts in the spring.  
4 years ago
Complete newbie here with a greenhouse.  I'm going to build a cattle panel greenhouse this winter.  I have researched and plan to put bricks and water barrels in my greenhouse to absorb the daytime heat to keep it warm enough at night.  My question is, about when (month, temp wise) in the spring does it get warm enough during the day to accomplish keeping the temps high enough at night to keep seedlings in there?  Also, would a wood chip floor help keep any heat in?
Northcentral Montana Zone 4

Thank you!
4 years ago
Thanks!  I was wondering for example, if it is spring and it gets up to 65-70 during the day, but drops down to below 38 at night, would it stay above 38 in the greenhouse?  
I know next to nothing about greenhouses and the temps they can maintain.  
4 years ago
Has anyone made a cow panel greenhouse?
How warm does it have to be during the day to heat up the greenhouse enough to keep the inside temp high enough for seedlings?  
Curious as to how well the cow panel greenhouses work?
4 years ago
Wow, for a newbie that load of information seems overwhelming but very interesting and I'm eager to delve more into learning about it.  I will go through the threads you linked to.  I love learning new things about gardening and this sounds like a great process.  Thanks so much, I will be in touch with questions, I'm sure.  😃👍
4 years ago
KC,. Yes, that's what I saw on a video too, a pile of wood chips that had just been left, and dig a little and the heat a d steam start coming out.  
I didn't know about the fungi, and how it all works.  I'm still new to this way of gardening and learning thanks to helpful people like you all!
4 years ago
Thank you John, I appreciate all that great information!
4 years ago