michelle power

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since Sep 23, 2020
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Recent posts by michelle power

looking for a group of genuine Jesus followers who are living off grid and have detached from the Luciferian world system.

I realize something like this may not exist and if it does it's likely corrupted but I still have a desire to try to find this. not looking for any weird court stuff. i'm definitely not looking for any weird doctor and stuff. just some good people doing the best to follow Jesus and wait for his return.

what I'm currently seeing in the world I don't want any part of it.

would really love any thoughts or suggestions or ideas. thank you so much
4 years ago
it's been really great to see the journey of your land. I would love to get an update of where you are now with things. I'm super interested in going off grid detaching from the "world." currently in the panhandle of Florida. I have not a lot of skills in this area but a lot of eagerness and desire to learn. Would love more information
4 years ago
Did we get these communities up and going because I'm ready to come volunteer
4 years ago