Michael Kalman

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since Sep 24, 2020
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Recent posts by Michael Kalman

Thanks Eliot!

I'm leaning towards a roof exit, but can someone get me an accurate measurement and their model of roof flashing?

I have to get this ordered soon
4 years ago
Hey Eliot,
I'm concerned that the double wall pipe would go to my wall thimble, would that be safe? Does it just go to the wall and out the house? After it goes outside the house, it would have to extend past the eaves in order to avoid putting a hole through the roof, right? I think this is bad for a tiny house on wheels as I'd have to disassemble it all for moving or the whole pipe might go flying down the road. Would it be possible to leave the sections of insulated chimney pipe to be able to be disassembled for transport? Is this possible?

Hey Scott,
That's my thoughts, to cut an upside down "U" and slip in the flashing and tuck in some butyl flashing tape and then caulk it as well. I'm paranoid that water would want to find its way in because its at the eaves.

To you all, do you think going for 6" is okay with a cast iron damper installed?
4 years ago
Thanks guys! I was going with a 6” because all the 4” kits are out of stock until January and I need it soon so I’m adapting my 4” up to 6”,

I’m planning on doing this at the eaves, do you think going out the wall will cause creosote build up? The problem going out the back is that I need my stove 4” from the wall and I don’t think I can make that happen by going out the back and through the wall, can I?

Also, I cannot have the stove pipe go to the peak because the stove is placed by the side of the house near the eaves of the gable roof. I’m paranoid about the rubber/silicone pipe boots and cutting a slit into my roof also makes me nervous too.
4 years ago
Hey everyone!

So I have a quick question. I am installing a wood stove through my 3/12 roof, my tiny house is already legal height limit and I am trying to avoid going higher than the peak of my roof.

My question is, how high is a Selkirk or ICC roof flashing for low pitched roofs, meaning how much height does it add before the double wall insulated chimney pile comes out of it. My idea is to have a small 2-3” piece sticking out of the flashing after the collar and add another piece which would be removable for transport but I need to make sure that this added height near the eaves doesn’t add too much height.

Can anyone help me with this?
4 years ago
My tiny house is 13’8”, and I’m looking for a route planner to help me find a route for my tiny house, does anyone have any resource they’ve used?
4 years ago
Just what I needed to hear from someone. Thanks man, I’ll keep them off and install on site somehow!
4 years ago
Hey everyone! I am building a tiny house and would like the opinions if placing my solar panels on the roof of our home before travel is a good idea. We are using ace clamps for our 1.5” 75 lbs panels and I am worried there will be uplift on the panels that would potentially rip them off the roof, but at the same time they are 75 lbs so I wonder if the weight will keep them down.
4 years ago