Matthew Baldiga

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since Oct 23, 2020
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Recent posts by Matthew Baldiga

Ok! Thanks so much for the thought. That makes perfect sense to me.  
2 years ago

I have spent a lot of time searching around but I have not yet found guidance for intercropping Chestnuts and Hazelnuts.

I have about an acre of an old hay field that I would like to make a small nut grove. Does anyone have any experience and/or suggestions for plant spacing to ecourage these two plants to grow in harmony? I anticipate it might be rows of Chestnuts with a hazelnut hedge in between.

Thanks so much!
2 years ago
Thanks, John and Jay for the feedback!

I should have been a bit more specific in my first post (I'm learning). Please see below for photos showing the well in its current form.

The previous owner already poured a concrete form around the spring itself as shown.

I think my question is - what should be done to cover and protect the wellhead from critters and other water overflows. As you can see - we have a little friend sunning himself at the moment. In its current form, the head of the well is covered with just some mesh, a plywood box, and some black plastic.

I'm very new to having a wellhead (especially with water so close to the surface) and am not sure what best practices are for keeping it clean, tidy, and drinkable.

Thank again.
3 years ago

First time - Long time here.

I'm trying to find some best practices for constructing housing for my natural spring-fed well. This water supply feeds our house and currently just has some metal mesh, a wood box, and some plastic trash bags covering it.

Any suggestions for a good starting place. I would love to build something permanent to keep the spring clean for years to come!

Thanks so much!!
3 years ago