Se Naglak

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since Dec 07, 2020
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Thank you for the link! We’re going to toss the stuff that is pretty mildewy and save only the best stuff (about the top half/third of the pile is clean and dry) to be on the safe side.
Ok, thanks for the tip! I think we might be ok. We're making a test loaf from our berries and a loaf made with berries from the co-op so we'll how the flavors compare.
We harvested our first crop of hard red spring wheat this summer. It was sort of a bonus project for us so we barely managed to get it cut and transported back to our house in a big pile before a lot of rain came through. Now it's December and we're finally trying to get it threshed. It's pretty clear that we didn't follow an optimal process by leaving it in a big pile after cutting it because a lot of the stuff in the center is pretty mildewed. My question is whether or not the grain itself is ruined? There is mildew on the straw and hulls, the actual berries look ok. Thoughts?