Neal Raisman

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since Dec 26, 2020
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I wish I could answer all your questions on the oysters grown in coffee grounds but as they did not fruit, I am at a loss.  Will try again and get back if I have answers.
4 years ago
Thanks for that information. I am thinking that I am going to break the cake up into smaller pieces and feed each piece with grounds and start it again.
4 years ago
Sorry. I put in the wrong picture. That is shitake growing.  Here is the correct picture
4 years ago
I grew oyster mushroom spawn in a layered coffee grounds and wet cardboard. It colonized wonderfully throughout the block but now it will not fruit.  I have scraped off some mycellium that could be blocking pins but nada. It is in a location that did well with other oyster kits and shitake but will not fruit now. Temperature in area is about 66F. Gets decent sun and I had success with kits before. I mist it at least twice a day and have dunked it for 8 hours at one point to try and get it to fruit. Any suggestions are more than welcome
4 years ago