Joseph Hellstern

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since Jan 05, 2021
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Recent posts by Joseph Hellstern

$555 Space for Tiny house-Park models, RV 12 acres Permaculture Space (Eatonville wa)
12 acres private lot just out side of Eatonville wa, There is power an water , Internet available as well  - well. You pay for power and internet . There is no sewer - septic so you would need to deal with that. You would not be renting the whole 12 acres but enough to do what you would like by way of gardening . Some farm related business would be welcome . You might have a view of a lake

Am looking for someone clean an quiet , someone interested in permaculture.

Animals subject to approval, chickens welcome

$555.00 Plus $300.00 deposit

room for a garden , its all pretty raw. I have been planting an orchard , on some of the property, but it is all new.

send me an email with your phone number, I will call you back

thanks for your interest

PS if i have this in the wrong place just let me know.. Thanks Joe

4 years ago