Evan Stowers

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since Feb 02, 2021
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29 Years Old, Male, Single

Aspiring to be a full time volunteer

Care a lot about the people and animals
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Recent posts by Evan Stowers

Bumping this thread because this project is huge, serious business, and very awesome.


Really cool to hear that you plan on repeating it in other states and Canada as well!

I didn't check out your website but I would probably encourage others to do so.

I wish I could join but maybe some day I can!
2 years ago
This sounds really awesome and I hope you guys find this undertaking a huge success so I can hear stories about it and one day come and trade with you.

News of things such as this excite me greatly and it's good to know that people out here in the midwest are doing good things with the land.  I hope one day I can come and volunteer on the land and share ideas back and forth.  

Good stuff!    
3 years ago
Nice to meet ya!  In 2009 I was graduating high school haha.  It sounds like you actually have quite a bit of experience of being in tune with nature on your own property at least...I wish to escape Grand Rapids soon...

...I'm very new to this forum/website as well but welcome to you and I hope you enjoy your stay!  This place seems great and just the type of niche I've been seeking on the internet for my entire adult life.

That sounds really awesome to have that acreage!  I wish you the best with that.  You can always send me a private message or an email if you wish, I'm just looking for like-minded people and those I can help out in any way that comes up here in West Michigan.  :)

3 years ago

Coydon Wallham wrote:

Evan Stowers wrote:I like your ideas!

I myself has always wanted to do something more ambitious but it's hard to find others who believe they can pull something like that off!  I think it's important for there to be people out there doing bigger projects to help accelerate the change!

Myself and a couple friends would probably be very interested in what you are doing and we are from the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.  We are planning on traveling and living on the road starting in about a month so there is a good chance that we can come and help out on your project(s) at some point and share any types of info or knowledge and good food and resources we might have!  Good luck to you!

Ideally I would have the land in about a month and be starting to evaluate it for plans, but being ready to jump into straight labor at that point seems like a stretch, unless I find a good parcel that has an obvious spot for a wofati and y’all want to do a bunch of digging. I suppose prepping logs would be an early helpful step, have to look into acquiring the tools for that. If anyone has experience landscaping/homesteading with a permaculture mindset, might also be nice to stick a few stakes in the ground and discuss sand castle possibilities. Regardless if you just want a place to set up camp for a while, I'm guessing that would work too. How long do you think you’ll be around the area?

I feel like I could do a daily blog in this thread about things I am researching, why it should be done, how I am going about stuff, what kind of people I think would fit, etc., but don’t want to bog down with details at this point. I’m trying to distill ideas down to more universal elements. Even with that limit in mind things have been picking up in recent weeks and I’m not finding time to write much.

I’ve been talking with various people about what would make a group situation like this work and some points continue to clarify little by little. One major hurdle is placing an emphasis on direct oral communication. In the end that is what determines if a group actually works, and trying to screen for this through writing or even video recordings is paradoxical. Any time I start to write ‘this is what will work’ or ‘that is what won’t work’, I feel like I need to add ten more lines that start with ‘unless...’

The dailyish email that Paul sent out yesterday resonated with many of my goals, around the idea of how non-profit organizations seem to end up producing more profits and accomplishing less toward their claimed goals than people just doing stuff. I’ve been involved recently with an outdoor school in the area that is known for their survivalist program. At the risk of trivializing the life changing experience that is immersion in a program like they offer, one takeaway I’ve had is that, as useful as it is to know how to start a fire with stuff you find on a forest floor and how to forage enough calories to keep yourself moving, the key survival skill just might be developing sincere and supportive connections with others around you to produce something that matters to the entire group. Finding a way to make that last would amount to prosperity. It seems most of us have lost the ability to value such bonds significantly. Easy money and instant gratification are just so much sexier.

I’m looking for a few other human beings that just want to do stuff the right way, to live a fulfilling life in nature and not stress out about how to force the rest of the world to fit into some massively detailed plan. Political parties and NGOs that try to 'save nature' don’t seem to end up accomplishing much more than feeding the propoganda of their declared opposition. These entities are all building blocks that would be beneficial to learn to deal with in some shape or fashion, but I’m not holding my breath that I’m going to get to Utopia on a Tuesday any time soon. This site is a treasure trove of things we can do for real in our own lives to make things better, so I’ll be looking to connect with others who are headed along the same path.

And I’ll probably be rewriting the ‘goals’ of this "ecocamp" project every few weeks here so that I might eventually figure out exactly what the hell it is that I am doing...

So true everything you said.  Connections and being able to build connections with other people are the real roots from which can grow human life.  That's the foundation of everything!  

I like where it sounds like your mind is at and I'm happy to hear about it.  Not really certain as to when we would be making our way all the way up to your area of interest but I am certainly going to keep you in my mind and in my heart and hopefully I can do some things to help ya out at some point.  At least you know I'll usually be around the lower peninsula and if you happen to be there your always welcome to whatever it is that I can offer at the time, even if it's just company.  

I appreciate what you're going for there!  I honestly would love to just camp out some time, but for now, I'll wait and see how things roll out for the both of us.  I'll keep an eye out for ya, Take care!    
3 years ago
I like your ideas!

I myself has always wanted to do something more ambitious but it's hard to find others who believe they can pull something like that off!  I think it's important for there to be people out there doing bigger projects to help accelerate the change!

Myself and a couple friends would probably be very interested in what you are doing and we are from the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.  We are planning on traveling and living on the road starting in about a month so there is a good chance that we can come and help out on your project(s) at some point and share any types of info or knowledge and good food and resources we might have!  Good luck to you!

3 years ago
Hey there,

I'm new to this forum and it is a Godsend!  I dream of seeing the permaculture movement grow into the mainstream of American culture and I want to do whatever it is I'm called to do to help make that a reality.  This summer I'm going to be traveling around the State mostly and doing lots of things and I intend to focus on improving the health of myself and others as well as passing along useful information, helping my local and semi-local community, and perhaps fundraising a little bit for life-saving and life-transforming organizations that mainly work abroad...

...but I should have some time to volunteer my time to just simply help doing some work for permaculture or aspiring permaculture homesteads, farms, or communities in the greater areas where I'll be!  This is a really important facet of the bigger picture for me and I know that there are plenty of people out there who would appreciate the help and that my work, even if it were for only one or two good days or so could end up going a long way to making the world a better place in the long run.  I'm basically going to be a full-time volunteer all summer long, only really needing to make some money for myself once or twice every couple weeks if things go according to plan.  I will have a lot of things booked already volunteering for family and friends but I would love to come and help anyone I can and hopefully I am able to pass along some organized info for your library and figure out myself how I can do more and more to grow the permaculture movement in Michigan and the Midwest down the road!

I'm able-bodied and hungry to learn but still a newbie when it comes to practicing and learning tons of permaculture myself.  I've been stuck, tied down by suburban sprawl and just now really able to finally gain enough freedom and independence to set out on the adventure!  I'm slowly getting better at handy-work but I always like to work hard regardless.    

I can be the type of person you can call in a favor from when something big comes up, I'm here to be a servant...it's been tough for me finding truth in the universe but I believe in being Christ-Like and have full faith in God ultimately and although I do believe it is important for people to be able to have hope in the highest order I know that spiritual things are a very personal journey and I fully respect other seekers of truth wherever their belief systems may root...

...I like to point out truth when I really get to know someone well but when I do not know someone I am still learning when to stick up for truths and stick up for myself, heck I am still learning how to do this with people I've known my whole life.  I've been somewhat spiritually anguished the last 6 or so years over the hardships of humanity and animals alike and it's been tough to figure out how to get to a point of complete independence in order to achieve maximum impact while always desiring to self-sacrifice and work collaboratively rather than independently...I just simply haven't had success yet in many ways and a big part of this is not being able to convince and show others of what I believe the world really needs and constantly giving my everything to those around me and, when I can, to organizations working overseas.  

I simply think I've been surrounded by some of the wrong crowd for far too long that were simply not serious enough.  Sometimes I can take things too seriously but I'm pretty sure that humanity needs to take things seriously in its current form...

I'm vegan-ish, turning 30 in April, Male, completely celibate, and currently cutting out some latent bad habits such as caffeine and e-ciggeretes and looking forward to getting myself in the best health of my life VERY soon.  Thank you for the awesome forum to everyone since you all create what it is collectively.  Much respect to your life of work and growth.  Looking forward to hearing from anyone around here...

...I've heard of one Seventh Day Adventist group that has an organic farm somewhere just south of Grand Rapids....but I honestly don't know much of anything that is really going on in the area permaculture-wise although I know there has to be things in the works!  I know there's been a lot of idealistic people who have made bigs moves the last 10 years so...just haven't seen it all for myself yet...can't wait....

...I've been talking to some old friends who are doing cool things too...starting tiny home communities near Howard City, starting homesteads....I can't wait to be on the road!

God bless!  

3 years ago
Dang, I'm so interested in this but I live in Michigan and wouldn't know exactly how to start making an income if I moved to the Ozarks any time soon.  I have a couple friends who are a couple with a child that are currently looking for a place to rent and move in to this summer...I think we would fall in love with it and be able to figure out how we could make things work financially if we put our heads together but the problem is moving that far away from all of our family and friends here, it would be a tough sell and I'm not even sold on the idea yet!  haha.  That's really cool that you are doing this though and I support you 100%!  If anything changes I'll let you know.  Your bound to find someone...

3 years ago