Bob Gonez

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since Mar 01, 2021
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Recent posts by Bob Gonez

Hopefully you are still available and like to get in touch with me.
3 years ago
Hi how are you feeling today baby, I like your personality from the post. I'm 56 soon 57. I dream of a partner like you to grow fruit trees vegetables, and laying hens. Open to milking goats.looks not as important as getting along well. I'm in southern California high desert two hours from Hollywood and half hour to the snow..
Thanks for responding
3 years ago
I'm in southern California,56  y o.lookingfor partner with light homestead fruit trees, vegetables,laying hens open to milk goats.
Two hours from Hollywood and half hour from the mindedness both ways.
Thanks for responding,
3 years ago
Hi how are you feeling today, I lived in Costa Rica and like it there for part time living . Higher taxes and crime than year's ago. I want to find a partner to homestead in southern California two hours from Hollywood in case you want to audition for acting. half hour to the snow.
Thanks for responding,
3 years ago
Hi how are you feeling today. I have been trying to find a homestead minded partner for the longest time. Live in the city and can't wait to see the stars and sunrise from the country home.  I'm 56 already.. I want to have fruit trees, vegetables and chicken laying hens only. No broiler, harvesting meat. Open to milk goat's.i am in southern California.
Thanks for reading,
3 years ago