David Salmon

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since Mar 09, 2021
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My friends Bryan and Terrah have 10 acres near Wolf Creek Oregon. They are trying to develop it into a retreat and healing center with a Permaculture farm where all the food and medicine is grown for the participants and the residents.9 It’s also envision as a place that people can re-integrate after their healing experience by working on the property and living in community. It’s a great vision. They have a lot of old Infrastructure and a driveway that needs a lot of work. 3.5 million would go a long ways. Let me know and I will put you in touch.
I am interested in this because we have COVID relief money coming to our county and we'd like to establish a community compost facility. What do we need? tractor, 1-ton truck, forklift, signage, fencing..... ? What about a top-loading mortar mixer for making small, well-mixed batches of compost?
3 years ago