Joe Flores

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since Mar 15, 2021
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Recent posts by Joe Flores

I have not had success with Chipdrop, but I have had success by calling local arborists.
2 years ago
Today is July 15th. These are the plants that I moved on May 25th. They are very healthy and at knee height.
3 years ago
No summer squash but I do have spaghetti squash. Do they like that as well?
3 years ago

Stacie Kim wrote:My initial hunch is something in the hummingbird moth family. Exactly which, I'm not sure?

That's it! Thanks for your help. Using the aforementioned website it was pretty easy to narrow it down.

Here's hoping he stays away from my veggies!

3 years ago
I found this insect eating from a milkweed flower and sitting on a milkweed leaf. The legs and abdomen look like a bee, but the wings when resting look like a beetle. I've tried very hard to get an ID but no luck.

Do you know? Also, please share insect ID best practices and resources. I usually use Insect Identification dot org and have pretty good success.
3 years ago
Here's a picture of the pair. The hand is there just so my camera will focus.
3 years ago
+20 days update

Everything is looking good! I ended up culling the weaker of the pairs on all but one, and those both look good as well, just smaller.

3 years ago
This year I purchased baseball batting gloves for work that requires more dexterity. They fit so snugly and are very comfortable, even in the heat.
3 years ago
Thanks Scott! I moved 5 plants. Was able to get a nice 3" cube of soil with each and I didn't see any severed tap roots, so I'm happy with my effort.

Most of my transplants are growing in pairs (see picture below). When should I thin down to one plant?
3 years ago
Question related to the OP:

I have some swamp milkweed volunteers that I would like to relocate. Is this advisable? If yes, when should I dig them up? Most are 2-3 inches tall with two sets of leaves right now.
3 years ago